hehehe...those 4-komas was edited by me so no offense
If you always read umineko 4 koma,it was impossible to said that you never read the one that Rifyu had make.
Rifyu 4-koma was sometimes is hard to understand ;there's a lot of ecchi in it,and it make me need to emptying my mind before I can really understand it.
Most of his 4-koma have a really ooc character.Sakutarou as example,was more masculine and had genital problem or Getrude who love Battler and baby Dlanor.
Despite that,he also draw a lot of 4-koma involving Krauss and the sibling on their childhood and need to say most of them are safe and dawwww...
Im also translating his 4-koma and most of the translation can be read at AnimeSukiForum but im also posting some of them here.In future,i would gathered all the 4-komas into one post so that it would be convenience for other to read it.
Anyway,if you want to find more about this guy here is his Pixiv account http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=144254
If you ask me what is my favourite 4-komas by him,i would say that i really like this:

I translate the last one,so apologize me for the typesetting
So that you won't be lost when reading Rifyu ooc character 4-komas,here is the character description.Remember that they was OUT OF CHARACTER.
Battler=As this apply to most male character,he was pervert and idiot.He might know that Erika like him by my opinion.
Moetrice=Rifyu draw a less Beato here,which make me took this Moetrice here.She was kind and cute.She also would do her best to make his father (Battler) happy.Moetrice really make me goes DAWWWWW......
Erika=After EP6,I didn't think that other would missed out with EriBato pairing.In here,Erika was a girl who really love Battler and would do anything for him.She always looking for opurtunity to seduce Battler.Along with sailor uniformed Ange,they always going along,spying Battler.
Sakutarou=In Rifyu 4-Komas,Sakutarou was really out of character.He was shown to be masculine,pervert and have a genital problem.He was the one to supply lewd cd to Battler and George.
Hachijou=Hachijou was a novelist who spent her time writing Hentai fiction.Just like in VN,she let Ange to read her hentai novel.
Virgillia=Just like in VN,Virgillia taking care of young Beato for everything.Despite that,she love Battler.Apparently,she also becoming the cashier at the Burger Shop,Ramen hawker and Santa Claus.
Younger Ange= Younger Ange been described by Rifyu as wearing Sailor Uniform.Younger Ange love her brother and always popped in to disturb Battler harem.
George= Rifyu's George always going around naked and acted normally in that situation.He even had a nightmare where he dreamed wearing a thick clothes on cold day.
Jessica=Just like in VN,she love Kanon,but in extreme way.She would go naked in front of Kanon when he enter her room.
Sorcerer Battler=Aww..He was my favourite character here!He acted like the real father to Moetrice and also sensitive.
Baby Dlanor=Baby version of Dlanor love Battler the most.She also having a competition between Getrude to have Battler.
Getrude= Getrude really love Battler here.She always grab the oppurtunity with Battler and seduce him.
Amakusa=I can't leave him out because he was my fav character >_<
Kanon=He was suprisingly pervert here.He always arriving late on time when something happen.
Bernkastel=She always using red text as her please but she would hitted Ange if Ange use the red text.Her appearance are unmannered and rough.
Krauss=Krauss appear to wear Radish costumes all the time.He also wearing cosplay clothes sometimes.
Asumu= Rifyu was the first artist that draw Asumu by my opinion.Asumu appearance is with a red and longer hair.She also an cutie-idiot who always finding way to distract Rudolf from Kyrie.

And if you did'nt recognize the character above,they are Kinzou and Genji in their younger version.
In my opinion you are not right. I can defend the position.
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