

Welcome to Umineko Shrine,child of man!
We hope you enjoy your stay here!

Umineko Shrine or before this known as 'Thought Of Snow' is the blog that listed download for various When They Cry things (except for the original VN itself).

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Umineko Doujinshi Preview

Wow...It seems like I hadn't make any post last two week.Exam already finished so I'm in gleeful phase right now.
So...I wandered in some forum and stumbled to some Umineko doujin! and my favourite doujin-ka did the work!

Glad that Suzushiro Kurumi make me laugh with his/her doujin :)
So,here it is..

Love Fake Family

First Story by Suzushiro Kurumi
Bern decided to kill time by creating Dark Battler,two chibi Beato and chibi Battler <3 a="" after="" and="" ange.eventually="" apa="" as="" battler="" beato="" bern="" big="" br="" brother="" calling="" chance="" dlanor="" family="" getting="" granted="" him="" his="" little="" mad="" made="" meet="" member="" mom.as="" nge="" of="" one="" papa="" reward="" sister="" summon="" their="" them="" to="" two="" virgillia="">(Oh yeah..and Virgillia ask Battler to make Beato pregnant with his child XD)

umineko no naku koro ni

Second Story by Hano
Bern (again) didn't want Battler to win in the sixth game and gave him hinamizawaPURUPURUPIKOPIYO drug to make him hallucinating that every person he saw would look like Beato.

Ice Roller
by Sen_Ka

umineko no naku koro ni

Random stories about Ushiromiya Rudolf family and....crazy Kyrie XD
My favourite part is when Kyrie throwing kitchen knife to Battler XD
(by purpose?!)

School Life
by Suzushiro Kurumi

umineko no naku koro ni

Set in another fragment: This story is about the character including witch having a normal life as student.Apparently,this probably set during Ep 6 because sorcerer Battler is the one who behind this fragment .So, Battler and Amakusa became friend along with Ange(18 years old).Beato as a rich maiden who kept hidden affection to Battler.BernTROLLkastel ordered Erika to kill Battler to messed up with the fragment.

by Yuzun

umineko no naku koro ni

Dlanor thought of Erika as she look through the window during raining.Erika appear in front to comfort Dlanor...even though that she already dead. (Nevermind.Magic can explain thing XD)