[UPDATE][16/9/10 5:35 PM ]
add pictures,some more information regarding the phone card one and some encoding]
Animesuki state that the title would be Rondo of the Witch and Reasoning
So I use this title instead.
Finally Out!
I remember posting on the AnimeSuki Forum about Alchemist release of Umineko.On that time,I never thought that they would make it for real,so I just laughed in disbelief because I didn't expect for the game..and last night,I just found out about this.
The Witch and the Rondo of Reasoning
I heard that they wouldn't make any change to the BGM,so yay! WORLDENDDOMINATOR rule!
But sadly,its only available for PS3..
Do I need to sacrifice my wallet only to buy PS3 which may cost a lot?
Check out this website for the price.
PS3 Console (80GB) + Controller = Approximately RM1650 (514USD)
PS3 Console (60GB) + 2 Controllers + a DVD = Approximately RM1600 (498USD)
PS3 Console (60GB) only = Approximately RM1500 (467USD)
PS3 Console (40GB) + Controller = Approximately RM1550 (482USD)
PS3 Console (40GB) only = Approximately RM1350 (420USD)
Controller = RM120-RM165 (37USD-51USD)
And the game cost over 9000 yen!
Alright,maybe I would forget on the game.After all,I already play the VN,the storyboard is suppose not to change a lot.If they make the ps3 version of Chiru,I definitely shipping the game right now.
Back to the game.
The game is in High Quality,but who cares? That doesn't mean anything.The thing that I want to see in Rondo is the voice acting in the game! I want to hear Yukarin voice XD
The thing I seen highly debated now is about the newly design of sprites.Some like the sprites,but there was also the one who hate them.I can't think which side I would follow because I both and like the sprites.The sprites is not ugly,nor beautiful,for me it is refreshing.I like the manga style used but there also several sprites that I seen weird.Example like Goat-kun,Battler,Maria and Beato.Goat-kun sprites look to muscular and the first impression of mine is *EWWWWW..*,
Maria sprites have a weird hair and expression,
the same thing goes to Battler.It drawn weirdly IMO .
As for Beato,the troll sprites for her look really similar to Shion one.
Beato's rape face.

Shion's rape face
similar right?
Opening Song.
For the op .mp3 download
click here
op .avi file available soon.
Why does my Amakusa appearance in the opening with just half of his body shown??!

The opening song was not bad.I like the song but the opening was too rushed.They tried to put a lot of scene and character inside it and the worse is, they didn't make them better! IMO they make the opening to attract the new watcher,to make thing interesting,Alchemist also put on the spoiler character inside.
But it fail.We knew it.

What is this?Its look like it come along with the game?and too lot of fanservice there. I lol on Jessi and Shannon one.
Apparently,that was a phone card and it is another release with Rondo,but with separate items.If you want to purchase them,go
I collected all the screenshot from famitsu here, in case you need to use them on other website
For more information:
Enough of my ranting,goodbye and have a nice day :)